Specialist in Root Cause Analysis
Process optimization - delivery in English language
Finding solutions to the challenges of a constantly changing world requires a lot of creativity, flexibility in thinking and quick adaptability to new situations. In this context and in the concrete case of quality management, the following questions naturally arise: how do we ensure the required quality of products and services? What are the costs of quality assurance and how do they correlate with keeping the total costs of organizations under control? What are the methods we have at hand to optimize processes and reduce these costs?
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Grup țintă
- Employees from all hierarchical levels, with responsibilities in all areas of activity of organizations;
- Any person interested in this topic.
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Nu sunt cerinţe.
Subiecte abordate
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Vorbitori de topVorbitori experți care să vă ajute să avansați.
>1.000 seminariiSeminare practice și formare continuă individuală din 72 de domenii.
Certificate TÜV.Confirmarea independentă a calificării dvs. proaspăt dobândite.