Introduction to Global Supply Chain Laws
Sustainability - 45 minutes duration
- What does Supply Chain Due Diligence mean and why is it important to my business? What are the goals and scope of supply chain Laws? What steps must companies take? This WBT introduces learners to the various Supply Chain Laws around the globe and the concrete applications and repercussions to businesses in countries where Supply Chain Due Diligence is a national law.
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Grup țintă
- Supply Chain Managers: Who oversee the logistics and operations of a company’s supply chain.
- Compliance Officers: Responsible for ensuring that the company adheres to all relevant laws and regulations.
- Procurement Professionals: Who need to understand the legal aspects of sourcing and purchasing.
- Legal Advisors: Within a company who must be aware of the legal implications of supply chain decisions.
- Business Executives: Who make strategic decisions that may be affected by supply chain laws.
- Quality Assurance Personnel: Who ensure that products meet legal standards throughout the supply chain.
Cerințe de înscriere
- No requirements.
Subiecte abordate
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Selecție perioade
Introduction to Global Supply Chain Laws
Vorbitori de topVorbitori experți care să vă ajute să avansați.
>1.000 seminariiSeminare practice și formare continuă individuală din 72 de domenii.
Certificate TÜV.Confirmarea independentă a calificării dvs. proaspăt dobândite.
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Prețul afișat este pentru o persoană și include și taxa de examinare. Prețurile se pot modifica în funcție de evenimentele planificate, disponibile. Toate detaliile privind prețurile pot fi regăsite în cadrul acestei pagini, mai jos, la secțiunea "Selecție perioade".