Basic of Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsability
Sustenability - 15 minutes duration
- In recent years, there has been a huge increase in awareness for sustainability and demand for socially responsible management. In this training unit, we will look at the origins of the term "sustainability" and explore how sustainable development and corporate social responsibility have become a global imperative. For companies and organizations that are committed to social responsibility, there is the ISO 26000 standard, which we will briefly introduce. We also show what role ESG ratings play when it comes to assessing and documenting an organization's commitment to sustainability.
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Grup țintă
- Corporate Executives: Decision-makers who shape company policies and strategies.
- Sustainability Managers: Professionals responsible for implementing sustainable practices.
- CSR Professionals: Those involved in corporate social responsibility initiatives.
- HR Managers: To integrate sustainability into company culture and training.
- Marketing Teams: To communicate a company’s sustainability efforts to the public.
- Compliance Officers: To ensure the company meets environmental and social regulations.
Cerințe de înscriere
No requirements.
Subiecte abordate
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Selecție perioade
Basic of Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsability
Vorbitori de topVorbitori experți care să vă ajute să avansați.
>1.000 seminariiSeminare practice și formare continuă individuală din 72 de domenii.
Certificate TÜV.Confirmarea independentă a calificării dvs. proaspăt dobândite.
Afișează detalii despre preț
Prețul afișat este pentru o persoană și include și taxa de examinare. Prețurile se pot modifica în funcție de evenimentele planificate, disponibile. Toate detaliile privind prețurile pot fi regăsite în cadrul acestei pagini, mai jos, la secțiunea "Selecție perioade".