Basic knowledge of explosion safety engineering (ATEX)
Safety requirements for workplaces and equipment used in explosive atmospheres
Today's explosion safety technology requires skilled and knowledgeable professionals both at home and abroad. The ATEX Directive sets out requirements for electrical and non-electrical (technology) equipment and systems installed in hazardous areas. TÜV Rheinland wishes to assist users in this by providing up-to-date training topics in the following training course.
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Grup țintă
The course it is recommended for operators and users of explosion-proof technology, operators of explosion-proof equipment, installers, maintenance personnel, technical managers and all those interested in the field.
Cerințe de înscriere
English language required in order to be able to attend to the course.
Subiecte abordate
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Vorbitori de topVorbitori experți care să vă ajute să avansați.
>1.000 seminariiSeminare practice și formare continuă individuală din 72 de domenii.
Certificate TÜV.Confirmarea independentă a calificării dvs. proaspăt dobândite.